I won’t stand for this….

It must be good to be a man in France. Or at least, it must be handy.

Today driving home from the grocery store, I passed not one but two men who had stopped along the side of the road to answer nature’s call.

The first was a biker; I can at least sort of sympathize. Who knows how long it would be until he got to his destination? Possibly hours.

The second guy was an older man who’d stopped his fancy car to stand not really very far off the road to find relief. Now, I know that there is a definite shortage of public facilities here. But he was only about one minute (if that) past some that are actually even fairly clean. Especially if you don’t have to sit down.

Now I understand that life just isn’t fair. But maybe if they at least didn’t flaunt their ability to not worry if they’ll find les toilettes and if they do will it be more than a hole in the ground or one that doesn’t have a seat…

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