Tu ou Vous???

The strangest thing happened to me today at the park.

Kaitlyn was running around on the play ground, ordering around a couple of little girls. “follow me! This way!” They didn’t speak English, but they did what she told them to do. Kaitlyn is such a natural born leader.

Anyway, at one point Kaitlyn ran over to our picnic table where I was working on my French homework. She plopped herself down to resume the consumption of her K-shaped jelly sandwich… and the two little girls just followed along. First, they just stared at me. So I said bonjour. Then they sat down by Kaitlyn, although they still looked confused.

I told Kaitlyn it was not nice to make them follow her so they could watch her eat. Kaitlyn’s solution was to toss the ziploc bag of pretzels their way. The younger girl picked up the bag and examined it, but could not figure out that it was open. So she pushed it toward me and said “Tu peut ouvrir?”

For once, I understood what someone was saying to me. But what seemed to strange to me is that she addressed me as tu instead of vous. I’m not sure why it even stuck with me let alone why it’s sort of nagging at me… has all this French started to sink in enough that I am actually reacting to it? As if I can address someone appropriately? For pity’s sake, I couldn’t answer the girl… all I could do was open the bag and hand she and her sister each a pretzel stick.

3 Responses to “Tu ou Vous???”

  1. D.A.D. says:

    Tu should say “her and her sister”; so should vous

  2. Debbie says:

    So is “tu” not grammatically correct? Or is it too familiar/casual?

  3. mandy says:

    it’s familiar.

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