goons in the park

I’m trying to get ready for our vacation Friday and my to-do list refuses to shrink. But I still had arranged for Kaitlyn to play with two of her friends… figuring it would be good for her and not bad for me to try to relax a little.

After going to one store then the dry cleaners, we met them at a park. The three girls were happily playing when a gang on French child-twits started harassing them. The girls tried walking away and the gaggle of goons followed them wherever they went. They taunted them with the intelligent phrase “naaaaaahhh naaaaaaahhhh.” And their leader appeared to be about 4 years old. So the 8 and 10 year olds must be real thinkers to follow his lead.

Kaitlyn did a pretty good job of ignoring them and trying to just enjoy herself. The other two girls kept running up to me and their mom and reporting that those kids were being mean. I told them that bullies just want you to react, so just ignore them as best you can. Well, the naaaaahhh naaaahhhh gang just kept getting in their faces with their genius chant until the girls’ mom lost it and chewed them out. In English. Which, really, only made things worse. We finally decided that it was time to leave the park (which it was) and those stupid kids actually followed Carol and her girls to their car so they could continue to point and mock. Which is completely bizarre.

Driving home I realized I don’t even know how to say “go away” or “buzz off.” What I do know to say works with adults (some four letter words are understood everywhere), but I thought it wasn’t wise to try that in the park. I also realized I do know how to say “where are your parents?” which likely would have stopped the morons… and had they lead us to them I could have figured out something. Or Carol could have, she knows more French than I do. Now I need to ask for a special lesson on playground survival.

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