Back to the doctor’s office…

Yesterday Kaitlyn complained that her ear hurts. Again.

She woke up with the same complaint. So I called the doctor and made an appointment for her to go back. Now, Bill had taken the day off to go skiing. And Kaitlyn does not have a fever, is eating like a teenage boy and sleeping fine. So we sent her to school and took her to the doctor afterward.

Bill got to go with us. He got to see how Kaitlyn understood everything the doctor said to her in French… and how she wouldn’t sit still after the exam was over.

He also saw the doctor’s concern when Kaitlyn once again entered her office tippy toeing. This time she examined her legs and feet and reflexes all over… then announced she thinks her achilles tendon is too small. In both legs. At least she’s even. So she gave us the name of a specialist and a letter outlining her opinion.

As for Kaitlyn’s ear, she does have another infection. The doctor thinks maybe she has a problem with allergies, since she doesn’t have a cold or any other symptoms. So she gave us a prescription for a medicine Kaitlyn gets to take once a day for the next month. Then we get to go back. And I’m sure when we do, she’ll ask about that specialist.

2 Responses to “Back to the doctor’s office…”

  1. D.A.D. says:

    Has Kaitlyn ever expressed anything about pain or soreness in her feet? Seems odd, this tipitoe stuff. Not that grandparents and issue (the legal term for you) should be discussing such a topic relegated to a blog, but hey, we’re here typing…..

  2. mandy says:

    Only if you step on them.

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