My kind of sleigh ride

We’ve just gotten back to the hotel and are trying to warm up after an hour-long ride in a horse-drawn carriage. It was incredible.

The carriage picked us up at the hotel at 5… just at dusk. The carriage seats are covered in fur, and the driver covered us up with blankets and more fur. It seemed like a little much, after all we had on our coats and hats and mittens. But it was fun anyway.

We rode along the side of the lake then climbed up the mountain. There we were, riding behind two horses pulling us up a steep, narrow, icy path. The view back down on the village of Arosa was beautiful. Everything was blanketed in snow and the lights were twinkling in windows…. picture perfect. (Of course, a picture doesn’t capture the odor included in riding behind a horse who deposits a little “present” along the roadway.)

I was surprised to see people sledding down the mountain in the dark. Some just went down the road; I guess because it was lit. That seemed just plain crazy to me.

As we were climbing up the mountain, Kaitlyn said she wanted the horses to go back down. We put a scarf over her mouth and nose and got her to lean against me and that seemed to do the trick: she fell fast asleep. We could barely wake her up when we got back to the hotel.

The hour in that carriage has to be one of the most memorable parts of this vacation. It’s exactly what I imagined doing in a Swiss village at Christmastime.

One Response to “My kind of sleigh ride”

  1. D.A.D. says:

    For all the adventures you’ve written about while in Switzerland, I agree this seems like the idyllic one. Glad you found it!!

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