cookie cutter party

Another stay-at-home-mom lesson learned today… when I hosted a cookie swap. Now, I’m not entirely sure what possessed me to do such a thing, but I did. Most people couldn’t come but four did show up.

I had no idea what I was in for.

The cookie-swap expert walked in and asked me how many cookies everyone was supposed to have brought. I didn’t tell anyone to bring any specific number of anything. You’re supposed to do that? Oh. I figured we’d just, well, swap a few. She had brought four dozen, which, she told me, meant that she was to leave with four dozen. All I wanted was to make sure that I didn’t end up with none of the cookies that Kaitlyn had helped me make yesterday. She would not have understood that. Frankly, neither would I.

Another guest struggled in the kitchen with her peanut brittle that remained peanut mush, no matter what she tried (including a stint in my freezer). Still another brought coffee cake instead of cookies. And just imagine the swap-expert’s horror when the fourth guest tried to leave without taking anything with her.

All in all, it went well. No one counted how much they left with versus how much they showed up with. Well, most of us didn’t. And I managed to end up with three plates bursting with goodies to give to the teachers at school…. as well as a plate of Kaitlyn’s cookies to spare.

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