When is a sale not a sale?

I checked my email this afternoon and found the next best thing to a notice from Ed McMahon telling me I’d won a million dollars. Yes, I’m serious.

It was an email from RyanAir saying that they are having a huge sale on flights in January… 2 Euros… all inclusive.

Now, I’ve been hemming and hawing about spending the money on the one cent tickets they’ve got for sale so far, because that one cent does not include the laundry list of taxes and fees and it doesn’t include luggage! Luggage is extra! Bloody rip-off. (But at 79 Euros round trip for Kaitlyn and I, still cheaper than the others.)

I rushed to their website thinking we could actually see Bill nearly every weekend in January at those prices! Naturally, Grenoble is about the only destination of theirs not included in the sale. Because it’s ski season here and that’s when people might actually want to come here. Damn it.

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