missing home?

I’ve come to find out over the past few days that most people here seem to think that I’d rather not be living in France. That isn’t really the case. Yes, I’d rather that either I spoke French or they spoke English. It’s made it hard to answer the question “How’s it going? How is France?” because it seems that everyone wants to hear me carry on about how horrible it is… or how wonderful it is. I can’t do either. Just like living anywhere, it’s a mix. But while I tend to write about the struggles more than the triumphs (struggles are far more interesting), there are small victories in my days in Uriage. It is still filled with the unfamiliar and the frustrating. But it, in its own way, has started to feel like home.

I’m starting to make friends. (Bill pointed out to me months ago that neither of us are quick to make friends anywhere and that isn’t a fair yardstick of our “success” in France.)

As much as I’m looking forward to filling my suitcase tonight with mac n’ cheese and ranch dressing, I’m looking forward to shopping at the fruit and vegetable market.

I think I even miss the challenge of speaking French. To try to learn something so difficult is satisfying… when you manage to say the right thing and not when you tell the repairman he can take the elevator to your basement. But when I can actually answer a question I’m asked…. that feels really, really good.

I have had a grand time shopping at all the familiar stores. I think I’ve memorized the Pottery Barn catalog a friend gave me. (It was intended for plane reading, but I couldn’t wait) But I’m ready to go home.

One Response to “missing home?”

  1. D.A.D. says:

    Hope you by now had a good trip home. Glad to know your environment is homey, no matter where home may be. We certainly all enjoyed having Bill, Kaitlyn and you visit LA, and look forward to the next time we’re all in the same place at the same time, wherever that may be!

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