Tip Toe through the Lavendar… to the doctor’s office!

I don’t know that she means to do it, but Kaitlyn’s teacher has this special way of making me feel, well, stupid. It’s the whole not-understanding-French-very-well thing. But still….

This morning, Madame Segura wanted to talk to me and only did because the English teacher was there to translate. She’s obviously been waiting to say anything until she could do so with help, because she wanted to talk to me about something that happened Friday. Today is Tuesday.

Fridays the bigger kids in Kaitlyn’s class take roller skating lessons. Last Friday, the roller skating teacher raised a concern about the way Kaitlyn is always walking around on her tippy toes. We think it’s just a cute, silly thing that Kaitlyn does. I thought the teacher was annoyed because one cannot very well roller skate if she is on her tippy toes. No. In France, tippy toeing around everywhere is cause for alarm. The teacher thinks that we need to have her checked out by a doctor because the tippy toe walking could be a sign that her tendons in the backs of her legs are not forming properly… which can be fixed with the French version of physical therapy. Bless her, when the English teacher did the translating she added a few extra thoughts, like “this is something they’re big on in France… it’s hardly something to worry about.” Good, because I wasn’t planning on it.

Sure, I’ll probably ask the doctor here next time we’re in. But I’m not making any special appointments. The health care system here may be fantastic, but I’m not privy to the socialized part of it.. in other words: we pay every time we go. No, it isn’t expensive. The full payment is still about the same as the co-payment was in the United States.

One Response to “Tip Toe through the Lavendar… to the doctor’s office!”

  1. D.A.D. says:

    Michael Moore would indicate that taking Kaitlyn to the doctor for diagnosing dreaded tippytoe would be a pleasant, gratifying and non-expensive event.

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