forum des associations… tres important!

I have had today marked on my calendar for weeks… ever since I got the town bulletin that said today is the Forum des Associations. This is the ONE day of the year when you can go sign up for clubs and activities. If you want, you can drive from town to town to sign up for different things in different places.

I made Bill and Kaitlyn go with me. It probably would have been better to go alone, but the idea of facing something new and in French just was more than I could face on my own today. Although when we got there, we ran into five families we knew; I’m sure I could have gotten some help if I needed.

The real mission was to make sure that Kaitlyn has something to do on Wednesdays. I’d forgotten until this week how hard that day off in the middle of the week can be. And I only imagine it will get worse as the weather does.

Inside was pretty much what you’d imagine. A lot of folding tables set up with signs for each club or class along with a smiling person willing to take your money. Only everything was in French. And everyone else there seemed to know just what they were doing. It must be possible somewhere to figure out who has what classes when… because different people mentioned very specific plans before today. (you know, like “little Jimmy will take soccer at 4 in town A while Sallie is in ballet over in town B, then a different day both will be in swimming in town C.) How do people find this out? I don’t know. Maybe after being here another year I’ll have figured that part out, too.

One of the other moms we ran into pointed us toward the table with ballet lessons. I stood and waited in the non-line (I’d somehow forgotten that there wouldn’t be lines, just mobs of people, since the French don’t believe in queues.) The signs didn’t say anything about ballet. But while I waited, Bill cruised the room and reported that I was standing at the only table with kids dancing.

Finally, it was my turn. Or close enough. I told the man I wanted a ballet class for my 4 year old. He just nodded his head yes. Ok. So I asked if there was something on Wednesday. Yes. 9:30am. Perfect. No lounging around the house in our pajamas. He pushed a piece of paper at me, which I filled out. I even managed to write the check, although I did double check the spelling of the word for fifty with Bill.

Just like that, Kaitlyn is signed up for ballet. Wednesdays. It starts in a week and a half. And I think it lasts until June. There’s even a big recital at the end of it all. I hope she likes it. Turns out, I signed her up for the same class as her friend. That should help.

Then I cruised the room to look for an activity to enroll myself in. I was hoping for something artsy… scrapbooking or painting… something I’ve never had the chance to do before. (well, since junior high) I also checked out the table for the Uriage Tennis Club. (Uriage is our town) The adult classes are on Saturday mornings. The art classes are on Saturday or in the evenings. I’m trying to fill up my weekdays! I guess I’ll just keep on doing laundry, grocery shopping, fumbling through my scrapbook project and otherwise managing to pass the time.

I was surprised that Bill didn’t enroll with the remote control group. Thank goodness he didn’t. He has skiing here. Once it starts to snow, that will take up plenty of his time!

One Response to “forum des associations… tres important!”

  1. D.A.D. says:

    In French, does one wear a deux deux for ballet? Very nice to know MIss Kaitlyn will be skilled in the art of dance. You should find out when the recital is, maybe we can make travel plans.

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