les fenetres

Because Bill is, well, Bill, he had an extra computer taking up space in our little office. It was hard to even notice amid the plastic boxes of wires and parts.

That extra computer now has a purpose. To connect Kaitlyn with playhousedisney.com, noggin.com, sesamestreet.com, sproutonline.com…. All her favorite sites to play games. She even got to go to the store yesterday and pick out a new, small mouse. It’s pink, of course.

At some point since we moved here, Bill bought a copy of Windows Vista. I don’t remember when or why. But he did. And tonight he decided to load that onto Kaitlyn’s computer. Because he assumed that it would have the option of using it in English. But it doesn’t. (At least not until after he gets it all up and running then he can do something to change it… I stopped listening after he said it was in French)

Good thing that’s on Kaitlyn’s computer. First, she can’t read anyway. Second, she’s bound to pass us in the whole understanding French pretty soon anyway.

5 Responses to “les fenetres”

  1. Todd Hollst says:

    Will we see kaitlyn on myspace anytime soon? 🙂

  2. D.A.D. says:

    I love it….Kaitlyn with her own computer. Actually, I’m waiting for her to stop speaking to Mom and Dad because she wants to email everything.

  3. mandy says:

    She already likes to go to the grocery store with kid-sized carts, push hers way ahead of me then “call” me on her cell phone. She’ll then only talk to me if I hold my hand up to my ear and talk on my “cell” phone.

  4. D.A.D. says:

    Get her a blackberry so she can text message & read emails including attachments, too. Never too early to learn multi-tasking.

  5. mandy says:

    if driving your mother and your father crazy at the same time is multi-tasking, then she needs no more practice. she is a master.

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