No School

There’s no school today for Kaitlyn. No, it isn’t some strange mid-week holiday. I didn’t keep her home because she’s sick (although as the day wears on, that seems to be the case). The snow is melting, so that’s not the reason. (Which makes me wonder, do they have snow days?)

            There’s no teacher.

            Tuesday the school sent home a note with all the students in her class. The regular teacher has been out since November with a broken foot. She will be back on Monday. The substitute (who Kaitlyn knows better than the regular teacher at this point) either could not or would not stay through this week. (I’m not sure how it translated, but I got the idea that it was more would not) So the note begged that if you could watch your own child, please do so. That way the working parents could still take their children in and the assistant would not be too horribly overwhelmed.

            There you go. Instant holiday.

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