Archive for December, 2008

marche de noel

Saturday, December 6th, 2008

The cruel marketing scheme of the school enticing parents to go to the Christmas market….

We didn’t exactly get up at the crack of dawn. But we got to the town’s Christmas market before noon. Around 11:30. We went straight to the school’s booth… and straight to the twig trees Kaitlyn’s class made. And discovered that hers was already gone. Sold. Kaitlyn dissolved into tears. The father working the booth tried to tell her in English that she could go home and make another one now that she knows how. The mother working the booth tried to tell me in French something that I think was about saving her handiwork next year; I’m not sure.

So Kaitlyn picked out something different. A tiny white angel. That when Antoine goes to look for…. well…. get out the tissues.

I think they sell that cheese at the shop in town….

Friday, December 5th, 2008

Unfortunately, I spent most of last night suffering with some horrible stomach bug. A virus, mis-cooked food… we’ll never know. But I know it was not fun.
This morning while she was getting ready, Kaitlyn yelled out from the toilet room “It smells horrible in here! Like cheese I don’t like.”
Only in France.