when it snows… it pours

Bill called me when he left work to say the roads were fine. Bill called me 15 minutes later to say I’m not leaving the house tonight to go to any dinner. Bill called me 10 minutes after that to say he was stopping to find a place to put on his chains and, by the way, did we have power because the entire town of Uriage was pitch black.

So I started making the dinner I’d intended to make tomorrow night but now suddenly needed for tonight: spaghetti and meatballs. (Generally if I’m not home, Bill and Kaitlyn are happy with Ramen noodles and a can of corn. Sure, that probably won’t earn me any housekeeper awards, but, let’s face it, I wasn’t really in the running anyway.) I got the meatballs done and then went to boil the water for the noodles. It seemed to be taking an awful long time, so I looked and realized the stove was blinking at me. Blinking is not a good thing for a stove to do. That’s how stoves tell you they are dying. Bill went out to the garage and flipped the fuse off and back on. Didn’t work. The immediate result was a meal of spaghetti and microwave rice (which we discovered last December when the first stovetop stopped working). The long-term result is that we have to tell our landlord that yet another stove stopped working. It’s fairly obvious the problem is in the wiring. But I doubt we’ll get that idea across. Especially if I’m the one left dealing with any repairmen.

Footnote: After dinner, Bill got the stove to turn on again. So we’ve earned a small reprieve. The only question is…. how long will it last… and will I have time to stock up on microwave rice and crock pot recipes?

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